Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

20 minutes of handstand work
some good holds finally

Fun Run at home. Hit the pull-up bar for 1x10 normal kipping pull-ups, 1x10 C2B butterfly kip, and 2 Bar Muscle-ups. I pulled to my waist on the second MU. Starting to get CRAZZZZZY height on those now.

50 ab wheel roll outs. Hold for 2 second pause in extended position for the last 10 and for 15 seconds on the last rep.

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

At School

Snatch heavy Single
155PR tie

Clean and Jerk to heavy single

3x5 windmill deadlift with 60DB overhead and 90DB deadlift
1x15 with 45db overhead and 60db deadlift



Do all of the following for max power and accuracy on EACH REP.

4-6 rounds, 30s at each station:

Broad Jumps

Chest Pass Throws

Vertical Jumps (to touch)

Medball Slams

Squat Jumps

Power Strokes on erg


Rounds: 3 rounds to feel jazzed


worked on handstand

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Power Snatch 1x3
Felt fast and stuck it tight on first single. Next 2 were smooth, but I need to keep my back tight for speed.


Weighted Pronated Pull-Up to peak set of 1

5 Rounds of Cindy for time
5 pull-ups + 10 Hand Release Push-Ups + 15 Squats

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, September 27th, 2010

Second Week and Second Cycle of 531


Hips were too tight to keep squatting.

Weighted pull-ups 3x8 @ 35# (pronated, supinated, pronated)

2x10 GHD sit-up with 35# plate behind head

buy in:50 single unders
20 Double-unders. Strung a couple together. Noice!

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

CFCC workout

2 person workout of:
4 Rounds:
10 Power Clean and drop from the top @115+ 100 meter sprint. Rest as much as neccessary between rounds.

then: Double under practice......god I hate and suck at these

then: Jerk
175 fail on second rep. Shoulders got tight and couldn't get full extension.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Week 1 5 3 1 Cycle 2 Percentages based on Bench Press 1RM: 235

Front Squat 2x2
225 for both sets. Working on speed

Bench Press
190x7, Happy with this for my current BW

Barbell complex of:
Hang muscle clean+ Hang Power Snatch+ OHS+ Snatch Push Press
Rep scheme was do 1 of each, then 2 of each, then 3...all the way to 5
Weight: 95lbs and it was plenty. Popped my blister on the power snatches of 3s....gross, at 4s the snatch push presses became shoulders are tired

100lbs on back for a 2 minute plank

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

30 Bar Muscle-Ups
time: 14 minutes and only 27MU. BIG RIP in my right hand next to the one that just healed....UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!

100 abmat sit-ups+ 50 ab wheel rollouts on my knees

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Power Clean from Blocks 3x2
Also did 195 for 1, but wasn't aggressive enough with the elbows to get the second. Felt pretty strong with these.

Bar Dip 3x20

Windmill Deadlift 3x10 with 40# overhead and picking up 65#

1 Mile run
time: Sub 6:30, but not sure of exactness. Was just trying to keep it under 6:30 didn't want to go for sub 6. In a couple of weeks maybe

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Jerk work to heavy single and then 80% of that 3x2
210 f(2), it's there I just had problems keeping it supported, also fear of dropping the iron
170 3x2, should have been 160....I got greedy....and there were some press outs on these too ugggghhhhhhh!!!!!

Mid Hang Snatch 3x3

score: 1020 meters, PR

60 second Handstand against wall
15 second Free Standing Handstand
Did these to help fix the lock out problem I've been having....noticed I stopped doing handstand work after I C+J 215 awhile back

5x double sommersaults

short core circuit
3 rounds of:
20 back extention + 20 GHD sit-ups

Monday, September 20th, 2010

New Wendler Cycle. New 1RM to work off of: PRESS:155
120x5, should have been 115
130x7 PR, but should've been 135 and I had too much english in my back on

Clean to heavy single
215f (2), have the height, but lacked a willingness/fear to catch it least without bumpers

Dead Hang Pull-ups 3x12 (pronated, supinated C2B, pronated)

then: 3 mile run, untimed, wanted to make it 4 or 5, but Tommy kind of wussed out after 1mile and I didn't feel like making him wait longer

then: 2x6 Weighted Toes 2 Bar with 7.5#DB, 1x10, 15 second L-Hang

Tommy numbers:
Bench: 3x5 @ 85
Squat: 3x5 @ 135
Assisted Pull-Up: 3x5 @ 30# resistance, 1x13 @ 75# resistance, All supinated

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Started training my buddy and fellow filmmaker this week. Currently he's still in the Air Force, but might be getting out soon....does media stuff of course. Anywho, he's broke and the school gym is free and I'm the closest thing to a trainer that he knows. Have him pretty much doing Starting Strength. Mention this because it will change up my schedule at CFCC and I'll be logging his stuff for him, at the very least until I can get him to keep a log book. He listens much better now, he's finally showing some consistentency and dedication. He even texted me the other day that he completely stopped drinking soda. Medium built guy, just needs some muscle and better dieting to get the goals he wants. Will be working out with him on M, W, and Friday. Then at CFCC on T, R, Sunday.

Last Week of First Wendler Cycle

Bench Press 5@40% 5@50% 5@60%
Fast and smoooooooth

Thruster 2x10, 1x5
135, wind sucker!
165, this shite is quite heavy, but I could probably do it for 10, but don't want to blow out shoulders for other stuff. Doing these because I caved in and will be doing a crossfit competition. Just for shits and giggles though, more of a fun community thing. I was told there will also be beer and food available.

Bar Dip 2x15, 1x20

then: 2 intervals of 1k row
1st interval: 1:43 sloooooooooow
rest 2 minutes
2nd interval: 1:56, I plead the fifth
Chalking this up to that's it's my fifth or sixth day on, my legs were shot from pistols, and I did some other stuff before. Regardless, still quite off my goal of sub 1:40s and off my PR of 1:38 and 1:43.

then: GHD sit-ups 1x20 with 10# med ball toss to partner, 1x15 with 25# plate behind head, 1x35 with one minute plank right after

Tom stuff:
Press: 3x5 @ 60, up from 50 on Monday
Hang Power Clean: 3x5 @ 65, just taught him this today. I understand why trainers freak out when somebody they coach learns something new. It's pretty cool.
Assisted Dip: 3x15 @ 70lbs resistance

From Wednesday
Low Bar Back Squat: 5x5 @ 115
Bench Press: 3x5 @ 75
Assisted Pull-up: 3x5 @ 40lbs resisted, pronated grip, 1x10 @ 60lbs resistance

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Workout at CFCC

Deadlift to peak set of 3

Still working on form. Today's issue included rounding at the set-up and shooting my hips up. Solved by setting up my feet, then sending the butt back until Ican't go any further, then bend at the hip, grab the bar and rock back toward my heels.

3 Rounds
20 Pistols (used a 14' box) + 20 Good mornings with a 45# plate
Time: 7 something
Pistols are one of my biggest GOATs. Glad to work on them. They felt stonger by the end.

then: 1x10 strict C2B pull-ups pronated and 1x12 C2B pull-ups supinated

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

Hang Power Snatch 3x3

Front Squat to heavy single

Windmill Deadlifts (40# overhead, 50# deadlift...only had up to 50) 3x15

then: 4x400 meter run
untimed but felt slow

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

Workout at CFCC

Weighted Pull-up pronated grip to a peak set of 3
81, used a 5kg plate+11lbs

then: Special death by pull-up. 45# til failure, then start next round with strict, then kipping
7+7 for weighted
10+10 for strict
Didn't do kipping because my hands are still recovering from being rippied and my pinkie can't handle the stress

then: Hang Power clean 2x3
70KG for 2 sets
80 KG x3, did extra rep, wasn't happy with the form on the second. Great to have someone there to spot my form.

then: OHS 10x1
Shoulder mobility needs lots of work

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, September 13th, 2010

Deload Week for Wendler on the press and bench press

3x5 at 40%, 50%, 60%
75, whoops should have been 55, but meh

Clean and jerk up to heavy single

Also did an exrta jerk at 200 out of the rack, because I had a bit of a press out before.

Snatch balance + 4 OHS
160f, almost broke my pinkie and ring finger on my right hand. Did these lifts at school and in a power rack. So I was on the metal and couldn't drop. My hand crashed down and got sandwiched on the safety bar. They still think getting bumpers would be dangerous. Sure this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't an ASS and OHSing with metal plates, BUT it also wouldn't happen if they finally got some damn bumper plates already.

then: 25 minute fun run.
Pretty much I run, sprint, jog, run backwards whenever I feel like it. Good for the mind and keeps my running endurance up.

then: GHD sit-ups
35#x10, never did it this heavy before
45#x3, could have gotten more, but the plate was too big and awkward to hold
25#x 15

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

Went for and excellent hike and then did some bouldering with a good friend. Good times, have to go again soon.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Maintenance/Rest Day

Tons of mobilty stuff

Went hiking and jogging up largest hill in Chester County. Then jogged a mile.

3x10 T2B
1x5 L-hang to T2B
3x10 wrist push ups
3x30second L-Sit

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Bench Press: 5(75%), 3 (85%), 1+ (95%)

Side Bends 3x15

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Worked out at CFCC

Deadlift: To peak set of 5
Haven't deadlifted in over a year and a half. This was for technique and shaking rust off.

then: (225#) 15 deadlift + 50 pull-up, 12+40, 9+30, 6+20, 3+10
time:13 something

Big rip in right hand and going to be dealing with serious DOMs in my arms. Could barely extend them afterwards.

Wednesday, September 9th, 2010

Power Snatch 1x3
130 for all sets

Power Clean and Jerk 1x3
170f, sharp pain in my right shoulder

Hang Power Clean 2x3
Was going to do a 3rd set, but shoulder was killing me.

1x20 db press with 25#DB

10 x ~100 meter sprints

Got lots of massaging to my shoulder. Going to take it easy with the overhead stuff for a while.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday September 7th, 2010

Week 3 of working Wendler 5/3/1 (Using it for Press and Bench Press)

Press (Currently using 145lbs as my 1 rep max for 1st cycle) 5(75%) 3(85%) 1+ (95%)

Weights are starting to feel lighter, but wrist and rotatorcuff mobility need some TLC. BarPath, speed, and ROM were solid.

then: GHD sit-ups 2x 15 @25lbs , 1x45 +2 minute plank directly afterward
Meh, mainly done for body composition

Drove home from city. Rested 2 hours, did some mobility work at hom. Then went to high school gym.

then: Snatch 1x1 @90%, 2x3 @85% (that's 3 sets of 1, I do it Pmenu style or in other words I'm using there formatting)
145 f, originally going to try again, but my hammies, hip flexors are tight and I was moving SLOW
135 f both, lazy shoulders and short pull.

then:Clean and Jerk 1x3 @85%
Got to 165# and called it a day. Shoulders and back were way too tired from doing all the push-presses and Grace WODs from the week prior. At least, any type of jerking felt weak. Felt like crap from the set-up and all throughout the lift.

then: OHS 5x3
150lbs x7 (elbow hurt so I dumped)

then: Jrk Supports work up until you learn something
225 f
Learned why the front foot ALWAYS goes back first and then the back leg. Also that 250lbs is really F-ing heavy. Recently switched to a right foot forward stance.

Stupid day as far as programming and volume, but I'm young and generally recover well. Needed it mentally more than anything. Really need to stay agressive with the active shoulders in the snatch and just in general.

lots of mobility work, light oly, and interval runs tomorrow

Opening Numbers and Goals

6'2, 190-192 lbs/ 86-87 Kg

Clean and Jerk: 215lbs
Snatch: 155 lbs
Press: 160 lbs
Bench: 245 lbs
2 mile run: 13:29
1 mile run: 6:02
5k row:18:59
2k Row: 6:55
Fran: 4:04
Grace: 3:27
Max Weighted Pull-up: 125lbs
Free Standing HSPU: 1
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Back Lever

Currently working towards:
C+J: 110 Kg
Snatch: 85Kg
Press: BW
Bench: 275lbs
1 Mile Run: Sub 6
10 Bar Muscle-ups+ Strict Bar Muscle-up
Getting a Pistol
60 seond L-Sit
Also some body comp stuff, but that's more subjective than me actually measuring it